Born in Buenos Aires on October 2, 1964, only child of a typical Italian family traditions. My character shy and prefer retracted locked myself in drawing and painting activities that required of any other type of physical skill. And eventually, everything starts out as a kids game and is a vocation as a young man, if not done, still looking for the answer inside of each one, until you realize it, leaves one incomplete, unsatisfied, divided between what one is and what you should be. I get some to? You understand. A? You want to be something other than that pretended my spirit. Painting is my vocation, my passion. Through the paint chip erase my self, abstracted from this world, expand my soul to be invaded by a happiness undeserved, unexpected, I feel complete. That's why I began to study with watercolorist Daniel Salaverria quebme gave the first weapons, later with Natalio Galluzzi, but my work never was the same since I met, learned and I got involved with Georg Miciu. I owe him the spirit of the works. Since January 2008 I was a resident of San Martin de los Andes Neuquen Province where I hope to start a new life with my family surrounded by the landscape that God gives us as inspiration for work.